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Children's Dictionary
carpet a heavy fabric covering for floors. [1/3 definitions]
cart a large wagon with two wheels pulled by animals and used to carry a heavy load. [1/4 definitions]
clang to make a clear, loud sound or ring, such as that made when two heavy metal objects are struck together. [1/2 definitions]
cleaver a heavy tool with a wide blade used especially by butchers for cutting meat.
cloudburst a sudden, heavy rainfall.
club a heavy wooden stick that is used as a weapon. [1/6 definitions]
clump a heavy, dull sound; thump. [2/4 definitions]
concussion a violent shaking or heavy blow; shock. [2 definitions]
crane a machine with a tall arm that can move up and down or around in a circle to lift and move heavy objects. [1/3 definitions]
crowbar a heavy, metal bar or rod with a flattened and bent end. A crowbar is used to lift or pry things.
derrick a machine for lifting and moving heavy loads. It has a center beam that does not move and a long arm that turns around the base. [1/2 definitions]
disco a style of popular dance music with a heavy, steady beat. [1/2 definitions]
downpour a very heavy rain.
draft used for pulling heavy loads. [1/10 definitions]
drape (often plural) a long, heavy curtain or set of curtains. [1/3 definitions]
drapery a long, heavy curtain or set of curtains. [1/2 definitions]
dumbbell a short bar with a heavy weight at each end. Dumbbells are used to develop muscles.
dungaree a heavy cotton fabric; blue denim. [2/3 definitions]
flop to fall down or over in a limp or heavy manner. [1/4 definitions]
flush1 a brief, heavy flow of water or other liquid. [2/7 definitions]
foam thick, white bubbles of sweat on the skin of a horse or other animal, or thick white saliva at the mouth, caused by heavy exercise or disease. [1/6 definitions]