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Children's Dictionary
cart a large wagon with two wheels pulled by animals and used to carry a heavy load. [1/4 definitions]
castle one of two game pieces in chess that may be moved forward, backward, or sideways over any squares not blocked; rook. [1/2 definitions]
catamaran a boat with two hulls joined side by side.
channel a long, narrow body of water that joins two larger bodies of water. [1/4 definitions]
charge the amount of electricity in an object. Charge causes electrical energy to flow in a current. The movement of electrical energy from one point to another is caused by a difference between the charges at the two points. An electrical charge can be positive or negative. [1/12 definitions]
chariot a vehicle with two wheels used in ancient times. A chariot was pulled by horses and driven from a standing position. It was used in wars, races, and other public events.
checker1 one of the disks used as a game piece in checkers. Checkers is a game played by two people. Each player has twelve pieces to move over a board divided into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors.
checkerboard a surface marked into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors. It is used as a game board for checkers or chess.
checkers (plural but used with a singular verb) a game played by two people. Each player has twelve pieces to move over a board divided into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors.
chess1 a board game played by two people in which each player has sixteen pieces, and the object is to trap the opponent's king.
chord1 a line that connects two points on a circle.
cicada a large insect with a stout body and two pairs of thin, clear wings. The male cicada makes a loud, shrill noise.
clam an animal with a soft body and a hard shell made of two hinged pieces that open and close. Many kinds of clams live in the ocean and in fresh water. People eat some kinds of clams. Clams are mollusks. [1/2 definitions]
clamp a device used to fasten, support, or press together two or more objects or pieces. [2/3 definitions]
clang to make a clear, loud sound or ring, such as that made when two heavy metal objects are struck together. [1/2 definitions]
clasp a device with two parts that fit together, used to fasten something. [1/4 definitions]
cockle a small animal with a soft body and a hard shell shaped like a heart. Cockles are mollusks with two hinged shells that open and close. They are kinds of clams. People sometimes eat cockles.
coincidence the chance happening of two events at the same time.
collarbone either of two bones joining the breastbone and the shoulder blades.
column one of two or more vertical sections of a page or chart separated by lines or by white space. [1/4 definitions]
common denominator a number into which the denominators of two or more fractions can all be evenly divided.