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Children's Dictionary
arsenic a poisonous substance that is one of the chemical elements. It can be either grayish white, yellow, or black. (symbol: As)
asphalt a sticky black substance like tar. Asphalt is found naturally or obtained when oil is refined. It is used for making roads and roofs and for making things waterproof. [1/2 definitions]
avocado a tropical American fruit shaped like a pear. It has a green or black skin and a yellowish green pulp.
Balkan Peninsula a European peninsula between the Adriatic Sea on the west and the Black and Aegean Seas on the east. Some of the countries on the Balkan Peninsula are Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Serbia, and Bulgaria.
bar code a set of black bars on a white background printed on the labels of goods and mail. A bar code is scanned by a computer that reads information such as price.
beagle a breed of dog. Beagles are small dogs with short legs, drooping ears, and smooth fur that is usually black, tan, and white.
bear2 a large furry mammal with a short tail. Bears are omnivorous; they may eat plants, honey, insects, fish, and small mammals. There are several kinds of bears, including black bears, brown bears, grizzly bears, and polar bears.
black having the color black. [1/7 definitions]
black-and-white of a movie or photograph, using the colors black, white, and gray only. [2 definitions]
black bear a medium-sized bear, usually with thick black or reddish brown fur. They are the most common bears in North America and live in forests and mountain areas. [1/2 definitions]
blackberry a dark purple or black berry that is made up of many large seeds. [1/2 definitions]
blackbird a common songbird, the males of which are black or mostly black. Crows and grackles are blackbirds.
blacken to make black; make dark. [2/3 definitions]
black hole a region or body in space with gravity so strong that neither light nor matter can escape it. Scientists believe that black holes form when very large stars collapse.
black widow a small spider of North and South America. The female has a shiny, black body with a red mark on her underside and a poisonous bite.
blue jay a common jay bird of eastern North America. A blue jay has a crest on its head and a bright blue upper body with white and black markings on its wings and tail.
bobolink a black, yellow, and white North American songbird that is named for its cry. Bobolinks move from one region to another during certain times of the year.
brown the color that comes from mixing red, yellow, and black paint. [1/3 definitions]
bumblebee a large, furry bee, often with black and yellow stripes. Bumblebees make a loud humming or buzzing noise when they fly.
cardinal a North American songbird with a crest of feathers on its head. Male cardinals have bright red feathers and a black face and throat. [1/3 definitions]
charcoal the solid, black form of carbon made by burning wood or other matter in a space with very little oxygen. [1/2 definitions]