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Children's Dictionary
cheat a person who acts in a dishonest way in order to gain something. [2/3 definitions]
check to look at (something) in order to get some specific information about it. [2/11 definitions]
chute1 a passage down which things may slide in order to be moved from one area to another.
clad2 to join a metal to another metal in order to make it stronger or protect it.
clamp down to apply strong pressure in order to hold tightly. [1/2 definitions]
click in computing, to press and let go of the button on a mouse in order to carry out an action on the screen, such as moving the cursor or opening a program (often followed by "on"). [1/7 definitions]
close in on to come near to or surround in order to capture.
conserve to use in amounts that are no more than necessary in order to avoid waste. [1/2 definitions]
contrast to compare in order to make differences clear. [1/4 definitions]
correction punishment in order to improve. [1/3 definitions]
count1 to list or name one by one in order to find the total. [1/8 definitions]
counterfeit made to look like something real in order to cheat people. [3 definitions]
crack down to deal with more strictly or harshly in order to enforce rules or requirements (fol. by "on"). [1/2 definitions]
crane to stretch up or out in order to see something. [1/3 definitions]
dehydrate to remove water from in order to preserve. [1/2 definitions]
depend to strongly need and receive help from an outside source in order to live or have success in something. [1/3 definitions]
dependent one requiring the help of another in order to survive. [1/3 definitions]
deposit money handed over in order to use or borrow something. The money is returned when the thing is given back in good condition. [1/7 definitions]
discipline to train or control (oneself) in order to follow principles or stick to one's own decisions. [1/7 definitions]
disguise to change or hide the looks of in order to prevent recognition. [1/4 definitions]
dish up to put (food) into a dish in order to serve.