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Children's Dictionary
check a bill for food and drink at a bar or restaurant. [1/11 definitions]
cheese a food made by pressing together a mass of soft, thick soured milk solids.
chicken the meat of a chicken used for food. [1/3 definitions]
chili pepper the pod of a tropical pepper plant. A chili pepper has a strong, sharp flavor that makes food spicy when it is added to it.
chimpanzee a mammal that lives in African rain forests. Chimpanzees are in the group of primate mammals called apes. They are related to, but smaller than, gorillas. Chimpanzees are very intelligent and sometimes use tools to get food.
chip1 a very thin slice of food that has been baked or fried until crisp. Chips are often eaten as a snack. [1/6 definitions]
chipmunk a small brown animal similar to a squirrel, having a striped back and a flat, bushy tail. Chipmunks eat nuts, seeds, berries, and insects. They make underground burrows for sleeping and for storing food. Chipmunks live in North America and Asia.
chlorophyll the green matter in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary to produce food for plants from sunlight.
chocolate a food substance that is made from ground cacao seeds. Chocolate is not sweet, but it is often used in candy and other sweet foods. It is also used in making certain kinds of sauces. [1/6 definitions]
chow1 (informal) food.
clambake a picnic or party on the beach at which clams and other foods are cooked. The food is usually baked or steamed on heated rocks covered with a layer of seaweed.
clove1 the dried flower bud of an East Indian tree, used to flavor food or drink.
cocktail1 an item of food or drink served before a meal, such as juice, mixed chopped fruit, or cold seafood with a sauce. [1/2 definitions]
coconut the seed of the coconut tree, which contains hard flesh and milky liquid that can be used for food. [1/2 definitions]
cod a large fish found in the ocean. Cod are used for food.
collard a type of vegetable like cabbage that is grown for food. [2 definitions]
condiment something used to give extra flavor to food that has already been prepared. Popular condiments are ketchup and mustard.
cook to prepare food or meals. [1/4 definitions]
cookbook a book of recipes, directions for cooking, and other information about food.
cooking the act or process of preparing food or meals. [1/2 definitions]
corn1 a tall plant that has ears with rows of yellow or white seeds that can be eaten. Corn is a grain that is used for food. [1/2 definitions]