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Children's Dictionary
clean done or made without difficulty or mistake. [1/6 definitions]
cold-blooded done without kindness or other feelings; cruel. [1/2 definitions]
conscious done on purpose; deliberate. [1/3 definitions]
credit approval or praise given to a person or group for something that has been done; recognition. [1/7 definitions]
crime something done that is wrong. [1/3 definitions]
crude done in a rough way. [1/3 definitions]
cue1 anything done or said during a play that is a signal for an actor to say or do something. [1/3 definitions]
custom (plural but used with a singular verb) the process in which official people inspect goods and question travelers about what things they are bringing into a country, or the place where this is done. [1/4 definitions]
customary done as a custom; usual.
daily happening or done every day. [1/3 definitions]
dame (capitalized) a title of honor given by a British king or queen to a woman who has done something important.
dance a set pattern of steps or movements usually done to music. [1/7 definitions]
deadline a date or time by which something must be done.
debate a kind of competition between two people or two teams who disagree on particular issue or set of issues. Each side is given certain amounts of time in which they can talk and present their argument. When one side talks, the other side must be quiet. A debate like this is done in front of an audience. [1/4 definitions]
defense an explanation or excuse for something done or believed in. [1/5 definitions]
deliberate said or done on purpose. [1/3 definitions]
demand something that must be done; claim. [1/6 definitions]
dress rehearsal the last full rehearsal of a play or other production before performance, done in full costume.
earn to receive as pay for work done. [1/2 definitions]
employment work done for pay; job. [1/3 definitions]
evil anything very wrong or bad that hurts people or animals and is done without concern for the pain of others; wickedness. [1/3 definitions]