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Children's Dictionary
alder a tree or shrub of the birch family that grows in mostly cool, damp areas and drops its leaves every year.
algae organisms that live mainly in the water and make their food through photosynthesis. Algae are different from plants in that they have no true leaves, roots, or stems. Seaweeds are algae. "Algae" is a plural noun; the singular form is "alga."
artichoke a plant like a tall thistle with a flower head made up of thick leaves. The head of the artichoke is eaten as a vegetable.
ash2 a tree that is related to the olive tree. It has seeds that look like wings and leaves of more than one part. [1/2 definitions]
asparagus a plant related to the lily, whose young shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The shoots are shaped like spears with scaly leaves at the tip.
aspen a kind of poplar tree with leaves that shake in the slightest breeze.
azalea a shrub with dark green leaves and brightly colored flowers.
beet a plant whose leaves and fleshy dark red root can be eaten.
begonia a tropical plant with bright flowers in many colors. The leaves are often streaked or spotted.
bud1 a swelling on a plant that can grow into new parts, such as leaves or a flower. [1/4 definitions]
butternut a tree of North America with leaves that drop every year. The butternut is related to the walnut. [1/2 definitions]
cabbage a vegetable with large green or purple leaves that form a round head.
cactus a thick-stemmed, often prickly plant without conventional leaves that grows in hot, dry areas of America.
canopy something high in the air or sky that is spread out over the earth. The top layer of branches and leaves in a rainforest, for example, is called a canopy. [1/2 definitions]
cattail a tall plant with long, flat leaves that grows in wet places. Cattails have long, brown, fuzzy flower spikes.
celery a plant with crisp, pale green stalks that are eaten as a vegetable. Celery leaves and seeds are used as seasoning.
chlorophyll the green matter in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary to produce food for plants from sunlight.
cigar a thin, tight roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
clover a common plant that has leaves in groups of three and small, rounded flowers. Clover is often grown in fields to help enrich the soil.
coleus a plant with colorful leaves, usually of green with reddish-purple or green with pink.
collard (plural) collard leaves as a food. [1/2 definitions]