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Children's Dictionary
coloring something used to give color to. [2 definitions]
colour a spelling of "color" used in Canada and Britain. See "color" for more information.
complexion the natural color and condition of the skin, especially of the face.
contact lens a thin, plastic lens that is worn on the eyeball to correct vision or change the color of the eyes.
copper the reddish brown color of copper. [2/4 definitions]
coral a yellowish red or pink color. [1/3 definitions]
crayon to color or draw with crayon. [1/2 definitions]
cream a yellowish white color. [1/6 definitions]
creamy having the taste, color, or texture of cream. [1/2 definitions]
crimson the color that comes from mixing red and a small amount of purple paint.
cuckoo a bird of Europe and America with a slim body and a long tail. A cuckoo's color can range from gray to brown. Some cuckoos have a call that sounds like their name. [1/2 definitions]
dark not light or pale in color. [1/5 definitions]
dingy dull in color; not bright. [1/2 definitions]
dull not bright, shiny, or having much color. [1/7 definitions]
dye a substance that is used to give color to cloth, hair, or other materials. [2 definitions]
ebony a deep shiny black color. [1/3 definitions]
ecru a pale yellowish or grayish tan color. Ecru is the color of old lace.
emerald a rich dark or yellowish green color. [1/2 definitions]
fade to lose color. [1/4 definitions]
flush1 a red color or glow in the face or skin. [1/7 definitions]
garnish to decorate with something that adds another flavor, color, or texture. [1/2 definitions]