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Children's Dictionary
coma1 a long, deep state of being unconscious, caused by disease or injury.
Covid-19 a serious, sometimes fatal, disease caused by a certain type of virus called a "coronavirus." This particular coronavirus broke out for the first time in 2019, and the disease spread all over the world in 2020. "Co" in Covid stands for "corona," "vi" stands for "virus," and "d" stands for "disease." The number 19 refers to the year 2019. The name "Covid-19" is oftened shortened to "Covid."
cripple a person or animal that cannot use a part of its body because of a disease or injury. [1/3 definitions]
croup1 a disease in children that causes coughing and difficult breathing.
cure to cause to become completely free of a disease or other unhealthy condition. [1/4 definitions]
cyst a small pouch within body tissue that is filled with fluid or air. Some cysts are connected with serious disease, but most are not harmful at all.
diabetes a disease in which there is too much blood sugar. People with diabetes are treated with insulin, which the body needs to use sugar properly.
distemper a disease that infects mostly dogs, but also cats and horses. Distemper causes fever, loss of appetite, and breathing difficulties.
epidemic an outbreak of disease that spreads rapidly to many people in one area.
foam thick, white bubbles of sweat on the skin of a horse or other animal, or thick white saliva at the mouth, caused by heavy exercise or disease. [1/6 definitions]
health care the activity or field of maintaining health, including the prevention and treatment of disease and injury. [1/2 definitions]
HIV abbreviation of "human immunodeficiency virus." HIV is the virus that causes a disease called AIDS. AIDS is a serious disease that stops the body from being able to protect itself from other diseases. Having the HIV virus does not always lead to AIDS if one receives treatment.
hives (used with a singular or plural verb) a mild disease that causes small bumps on the skin that itch. Hives are often the result of an allergy.
hygiene the practice of keeping clean to stay healthy and prevent disease.
illness a particular disease that can affect many people, or a particular sickness in an individual. [1/2 definitions]
immune protected from a disease, either naturally or by getting a vaccine. [1/2 definitions]
immunity the condition of being able to resist a disease.
infect to spread germs or disease to.
infected having or carrying a disease caused by a germs that are spread from person to person. [2 definitions]
influenza a disease caused by a virus in humans and some animals; flu. Influenza causes fever, indigestion, coughing and muscle pain.
inoculate to inject with a very small amount of a disease to help resist that disease in the future.