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Children's Dictionary
consequently as a result; therefore.
cooking the result of such an act or process. [1/2 definitions]
corrosion a result of this process. Rust is an example of corrosion. [1/2 definitions]
cry to shed tears as the result of pain or strong feelings; weep. [1/6 definitions]
cut the act or result of cutting. [1/12 definitions]
decision the act or result of making up one's mind.
doubtful of uncertain result. [1/3 definitions]
drown to die from lack of air as the result of being under water. [1/2 definitions]
effect ability to bring about a result. [1/4 definitions]
embroidery the art or result of sewing designs on cloth; needlework.
-ence a suffix that means "an action" or "result of an action." [1/2 definitions]
end up to enter into a situation or place or action as the final choice or result.
enlargement the act or result of making larger; expansion. [1/2 definitions]
experience the repeated practice, activity, or observations that result in skill, ability, or wisdom. [1/5 definitions]
experienced knowing a lot about something as a result of practice or experience.
follow to happen as a result of something else. [1/6 definitions]
for as the result of. [1/12 definitions]
fusion the result of an act of fusing. [1/4 definitions]
gamble to take a risk, hoping for a good result. [2/4 definitions]
goal a result or end that a person wants and works for; aim or purpose. [1/3 definitions]
harsh rough and not pleasing in action or result. [1/3 definitions]