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Children's Dictionary
corpuscle a cell that moves freely in the blood. Red and white blood cells are corpuscles.
descend to be related by blood through several generations. [1/4 definitions]
diabetes a disease in which there is too much blood sugar. People with diabetes are treated with insulin, which the body needs to use sugar properly.
donor one who contributes blood, tissue, or an organ for medical purposes. [1/2 definitions]
family all those related by blood or marriage. [2/5 definitions]
flea a tiny insect that does not have wings but can jump far. Fleas feed on the blood of the animals they bite.
heart the organ that pumps blood through the body of a person or animal. [1/6 definitions]
hormone a substance made by certain cells in the body. Hormones move around the body in the blood and have effects on certain organs and cells. Hormones help control body processes such as growth.
horsefly a large fly that is sometimes found in large numbers around horses, cows, or other animals. Female horseflies bite and feed on the blood of people and animals.
iron a heavy silver-gray metal that is one of the chemical elements. Iron rusts easily and can be magnetized. It is found in many minerals in the earth's crust and is also found in blood. Iron is often combined with other metals to form alloys such as steel. (symbol: Fe) [1/9 definitions]
kidney one of a pair of organs in the body which remove water and waste products from the blood. The waste products go from the kidneys to the bladder in the form of urine. The kidneys are found high in the abdomen near the spine. [1/2 definitions]
leech a kind of worm that lives in water or mud and sucks blood from animals. Leeches were once used in medicine to draw blood from people. Leaches are still sometimes used to prevent blood from clotting when reattaching fingers and toes that have been cut off.
leukemia a disease that is a type of cancer inside the bones. With this disease the body makes too many white blood cells.
liver1 a large, reddish brown organ in the body that has many functions. The liver cleans the blood, stores energy and nutrients, makes bile, and helps the body digest fats. It is found at the top of the abdomen. [1/2 definitions]
louse a very small insect without wings that lives on the bodies of people, birds, and other animals. Lice suck blood from animals, and some kinds can spread disease.
lymph a slightly yellowish liquid produced by body tissues. It contains many white blood cells.
marrow the soft tissue that fills the hollow centers of most bones. One type of marrow makes new blood cells.
massage a treatment of the body that involves rubbing and kneading to help the blood circulate better and to relax muscles. [1/2 definitions]
mosquito an insect with a thin body and two wings. The females bite and suck the blood of animals and people. Some mosquitoes spread disease.
plasma the clear, liquid part of blood. Blood cells are suspended in the plasma.
pulp the soft, center part of a tooth. It contains nerves and blood vessels. [1/3 definitions]