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Children's Dictionary
count1 to list or name one by one in order to find the total. [2/8 definitions]
courgette the British name for a "zucchini," a cucumber-shaped vegetable with a smooth, dark green rind.
Covid-19 a serious, sometimes fatal, disease caused by a certain type of virus called a "coronavirus." This particular coronavirus broke out for the first time in 2019, and the disease spread all over the world in 2020. "Co" in Covid stands for "corona," "vi" stands for "virus," and "d" stands for "disease." The number 19 refers to the year 2019. The name "Covid-19" is oftened shortened to "Covid."
cuckoo a bird of Europe and America with a slim body and a long tail. A cuckoo's color can range from gray to brown. Some cuckoos have a call that sounds like their name. [1/2 definitions]
Czechia the official shortened name for the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany, Poland, the Slovak Republic, and Austria.
dedicate to formally attach someone's name to something as a token of affection or respect. [1/5 definitions]
delta the name of the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. [1/2 definitions]
denote to be a name for; mean. [1/2 definitions]
designate to point out or name. [1/3 definitions]
eighteen the name for the number 18. [1/3 definitions]
endorse to sign one's name on the back of a check. [1/2 definitions]
entitle to give a title to; name. [1/2 definitions]
filename the name of a file on a computer. Every file on a computer must have a unique name.
formula a set of symbols used to name the elements of a chemical compound. [1/5 definitions]
Frisbee a trade name for a thin plastic disc that is thrown and caught in outdoor games.
Ft. abbreviation of "Fort," when writing a proper name.
generic produced or sold without a brand name. [1/2 definitions]
groundhog another name for a woodchuck.
hedgehog another name for the American porcupine, a kind of rodent. [1/2 definitions]
helping verb another name for auxiliary verb.
horned toad another name for horned lizard.