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Children's Dictionary
country music a type of popular music, based on the traditional music of the rural South and the cowboy music of the West. Country music often express sad personal emotions.
crescendo an increase in loudness or force in a piece of music.
critic a person whose work is to judge and write opinions about music, movies, plays, art, and literature. [1/2 definitions]
dance to move the feet and body in a rhythmic way, usually to music. [2/7 definitions]
disc jockey a person whose job is to play recorded music on the radio or for an event such as a dance.
disco a place for dancing to recorded music. [2 definitions]
DJ a person who plays recorded music and makes announcements or comments on the radio or at an event.
duet a piece of music written for or performed by two players or singers.
festival a series of shows, exhibits, or special activities that center around a particular type of thing such as music, art, food, or crafts. [1/2 definitions]
fife a small wind instrument that looks like a flute and has a high pitch. The fife usually plays along with drums in marching music.
finale the last part of a piece of music. [1/2 definitions]
folk dance music for such a dance. [1/2 definitions]
folk music music made up and played by the common people of a region or country. Such music is often simple, with parts that are played over and over.
folk song a piece of folk music meant for singing.
group a small musical band, especially one that plays pop or jazz music. [1/4 definitions]
half step an interval in music that is halfway between two notes.
humanity (plural) studies that deal with human thoughts and human culture. The humanities include music, art, history, and literature, but do not include the sciences. [1/3 definitions]
instrument any of various devices for making music, such as a trumpet or piano. [1/2 definitions]
interpretation showing the meaning of music, drama, or something similar through performance. [1/2 definitions]
jam1 to play or improvise jazz or rock-'n'-roll music with others. [1/8 definitions]
jazz a form of music with strong, complex rhythms that started with African Americans in the late 1800s. Jazz musicians often add notes or make up parts as they play.