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Children's Dictionary
crunch to break in a loud way by grinding or crushing. [1/3 definitions]
cry to make a loud shout or yell (sometimes followed by "out"). [2/6 definitions]
deafen to overcome with loud noise. [1/2 definitions]
din a loud, steady noise. [2 definitions]
explosion a laugh, cry, or yell that is sudden and loud. [1/2 definitions]
firecracker a small paper tube filled with gunpowder, which explodes and makes a loud noise when its fuse is lit. Firecrackers are sometimes used during celebrations.
foghorn a loud, deep horn on a ship or on the shore, used in fog or at night to give warning signals.
gale a loud outburst. [1/2 definitions]
gong a large piece of metal shaped like a plate that makes a loud ringing sound when struck with a stick or hammer.
holler (informal) a loud cry, yell, or shout. [1/2 definitions]
honk the loud, harsh sound made by a goose. [2/5 definitions]
hoot to give a loud shout or cry to show scorn. [1/6 definitions]
horn a device used to make a loud warning sound. [1/3 definitions]
howl to utter or make a long, loud, sad sound like that of a wolf or dog. [2/4 definitions]
hubbub a confusing mix of loud sounds such as voices; uproar.
killdeer a bird that is a kind of plover, with two black bands on a white breast. Killdeers are native to inland waters and fields of North America and have a loud, shrill cry that sounds like their name.
loon1 a large black and white water bird with a call that sounds like a loud laugh.
loud in a loud way; loudly. [1/3 definitions]
low1 not loud. [1/11 definitions]
lower1 to make less loud. [1/6 definitions]
noise loud, harsh, or unpleasant sound. [1/2 definitions]