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Children's Dictionary
curve a line that bends smoothly in one direction without any straight parts or angles. [1/5 definitions]
direct current an electric current that flows in one direction.
dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction. [3/5 definitions]
downstream in the direction that a stream or current is flowing. [2 definitions]
draw to move in a certain direction, especially away from or near to something. [1/8 definitions]
east the direction in front of a person facing the rising sun. [2/7 definitions]
exposure position in relation to the sun, wind, or compass direction. [1/6 definitions]
face to turn or be placed so that the front is to a particular direction (usually followed by "on" or "toward"). [1/8 definitions]
gridlock a traffic jam in which no vehicles can move in any direction because key streets are blocked by traffic.
gyroscope an instrument with a turning wheel, mounted on an axis that can turn in any direction. When the axis turns, the wheel stays level. Gyroscopes are used to help keep ships and airplanes on course.
hand side or direction. [1/11 definitions]
head to move toward a certain goal or in a certain direction. [1/10 definitions]
home in the direction pointed to or aimed at. [1/9 definitions]
hook the curve of a ball in the direction opposite to the throwing or striking hand. [1/10 definitions]
hypnosis a condition like sleep that is caused by the direction of another person. People under hypnosis may do or say things as directed or suggested by the person who has put them in this condition.
into in the direction of. [1/5 definitions]
invert to reverse the order, position, or direction of. [1/2 definitions]
jet engine an engine that causes forward movement by the power of a stream of gases being forced out under pressure in the opposite direction. Jet engines are often used in aircraft.
lane a marked route for traffic going in one direction, as for a line of cars on a highway or for a single swimmer or runner in a race. [1/4 definitions]
lead1 to give direction to; show the way to; guide. [1/13 definitions]
lengthwise in the direction of the longer or longest side.