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Children's Dictionary
dam1 a wall built across a river or stream to keep the water from flowing and to raise the water level behind it. [2 definitions]
explore to travel across or through in order to discover or search for something. [1/2 definitions]
ferry a boat or ship that carries people or freight back and forth across a river or other body of water. [2 definitions]
fret3 one of the ridges set across the neck of a stringed instrument such as a guitar or lute to mark where the fingers should press the strings for each note.
gag1 to prevent from speaking or crying out by putting something across or inside the mouth. [2/3 definitions]
glacier a large mass of ice formed in cold regions from compacted snow and very slowly moving down a slope or across land.
ice hockey a sport played on ice by two teams. In ice hockey, each person wears skates and plays with a long stick. Using the stick, players hit a flat disc called a puck and try to get it into the other team's goal, often by passing it from one team member to another across the ice.
intersect to cut across or pass through; cross. [1/2 definitions]
jaywalk to walk across a street in a place or at a time that is against traffic laws.
jet lag a feeling of being very tired or not well after traveling by airplane across different time zones.
navigate to sail, fly, or travel across, along, or through. [1/5 definitions]
opposite located at or on the sides across from each other; facing. [2/4 definitions]
Orinoco River a major river of South America that starts near the Venezuelan border with Brazil, flows across Venezuela, then along the border with Colombia, and finally empties into the Atlantic Ocean.
over across to the other side of. [5/16 definitions]
over- a prefix that means "above," "across," or "superior." [1/2 definitions]
overflow to flood over or across. [1/5 definitions]
overseas across any of the oceans; abroad. [2/3 definitions]
pace1 to move across with paces or steps. [1/8 definitions]
pedestrian crossing a marked path across a road where people can walk fairly safely because vehicles must stop for them.
rainbow a curved arc of light of many colors across the sky. Rainbows are caused by the sun's shining through drops of water during or after a rain.
ring2 to sound loudly across a distance, or to create a loud echo (often followed by "out"). [1/11 definitions]