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Children's Dictionary
daydream to have daydreams. [1/2 definitions]
denomination any one in a series of values, weights, or other systems. [1/2 definitions]
diagnosis the act or process of finding out the nature of an illness or injury by examining its signs and symptoms. [1/2 definitions]
diet1 a special selection of food and drink to improve one's health or to correct physical problems. [1/3 definitions]
disinfect to clean in order to kill or remove germs.
disinfectant something that kills germs.
dock1 a raised platform that is built out into the water, or the water between two such platforms. [1/5 definitions]
draft the process of selecting athletes for certain professional sports teams. [1/10 definitions]
dresser2 a piece of furniture with drawers or shelves for holding clothing or other items.
drummer a musician who plays drums.
football the British word for soccer, a game in which two teams of eleven players attempt to advance a ball into an opposing goal by kicking or striking it with body parts other than the hands and arms. [1/4 definitions]
fur the skin of an animal that has such hair, used in the making of clothing or other items. [1/3 definitions]
g1 abbreviation of "gram" or "grams."
germ a microscopic organism, especially one that causes illness. Bacteria and viruses that cause diseases are called germs. [1/2 definitions]
gladiolus a garden plant that has long leaves and colorful flowers growing on tall stems. It is a member of the iris family.
goldenrod a plant with small, yellow flowers on top of tall, stiff stems. It blooms in late summer or early fall.
goldfish a small fish that lives in fresh water. Goldfish are usually yellow or orange and are often kept in ponds or aquariums.
grid parallel horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to form squares of equal size. Grids are used to locate points on a map or to make diagrams. [1/2 definitions]
grub the larva of some beetles and other insects. Grubs are a young stage in the growth of the insect. They look like short, fat worms. [1/3 definitions]
guppy a small fish that lives in fresh water in South America and the West Indies. Guppies have bright colors and are often kept in aquariums.
hardware store a store that sells tools and equipment made of metal, as well as other types of tools, paints, cleaners, and various household items.