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Children's Dictionary
bracket to enclose or set apart with brackets. [1/5 definitions]
buckle to set oneself with will and a sense of purpose (usually followed by "down"). [1/6 definitions]
burn to cause to be set on fire. [1/8 definitions]
camp1 an outdoor area where tents or rough shelters are set up to live in or sleep in for a time. [2/5 definitions]
cannon a large gun that is set on wheels or some other base. Cannons fire heavy shells.
chime (usually plural) a set of tuned bells or other hollow objects that produce musical sounds when struck. [1/3 definitions]
class a set of lessons for a group of students in a particular subject, or one lesson of such a set. [1/8 definitions]
cock1 to set the hammer of so as to be ready to fire. [1/3 definitions]
code a set of rules or laws. [1/3 definitions]
console2 a cabinet for a television set, CD player, or radio.
constitution the set of basic laws by which a nation, state, or other organization is governed. [1/3 definitions]
contain to hold back; set limits on. [1/3 definitions]
course an area of land or water set aside for sport. [1/7 definitions]
cradle a baby's bed set on rockers. [1/4 definitions]
creed a set of beliefs held by a person or group.
dance a set pattern of steps or movements usually done to music. [1/7 definitions]
deacon a member of certain Christian churches who has a set of church duties but is not a member of the clergy. [1/2 definitions]
debate a kind of competition between two people or two teams who disagree on particular issue or set of issues. Each side is given certain amounts of time in which they can talk and present their argument. When one side talks, the other side must be quiet. A debate like this is done in front of an audience. [1/4 definitions]
dedicate to set apart for a special use or purpose. [1/5 definitions]
defense in sports, the set of players on a team who are responsible for defense. [1/5 definitions]
deliver to set free or save. [1/5 definitions]