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Children's Dictionary
desegregate to stop the practice of having separate schools and other facilities for people of different races.
dial a disk or knob on a television or radio for tuning to different channels. [1/6 definitions]
diesel engine a type of engine that burns fuel oil. Diesel engines are different from most car engines, which use an electric spark to ignite the fuel. In a diesel engine, the fuel is sprayed into a chamber and set on fire by the heat of air that has been put under high pressure. Big trucks have diesel engines.
differ to have a different opinion; disagree. [1/2 definitions]
difference the condition of being different from or not like. [1/4 definitions]
disagree to be in a state of unhappy or angry conflict because of different opinions. [1/3 definitions]
distinct different or set apart; separate (sometimes followed by "from"). [1/3 definitions]
distinction a mark or feature that makes someone or something different. [1/3 definitions]
diverse of different kinds or sorts. [2 definitions]
domino1 one of a set of small, flat game pieces shaped like rectangles, each having a different number of dots on its face. [1/2 definitions]
earth science Earth science is the study of the planet Earth. Earth science is especially interested in what the planet is composed of, its weather, and how the planet developed and continues to change over time. Many different sciences, such as geology and meteorology--the study of weather--are part of earth science.
else different; other. [1/4 definitions]
EU abbreviation of "European Union," an economic and political union of a large number of democratic countries in Europe. Formed in 1993, this union makes trading between the different countries easier and allows freer movement of people from country to country than existed before. The union currently consists of the countries of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. The United Kingdom had been a member of the European Union but left in 2020.
European Union an economic and political union of a large number of democratic countries in Europe. Formed in 1993, this union makes trading between the different countries easier and allows freer movement of people from country to country than existed before. The union currently consists of the countries of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. The United Kingdom had been a member of the European Union but left in 2020.
exception something left out or different from others in a group. [1/2 definitions]
exceptional different, unusual, or out of the ordinary. [1/2 definitions]
experiment to perform an experiment; to explore by trying different things. [1/2 definitions]
fir a type of evergreen tree. Fir trees bear cones and are related to the pines. There are many different kinds of firs.
flycatcher a bird that lives in Europe and America and eats insects that it catches in the air. There are many different kinds of flycatchers.
food processor an electric kitchen appliance that has a container and different kinds of blades. It is used to grind, grate, chop, slice, or otherwise prepare food.
foundry a place where metal is formed into different objects.