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Children's Dictionary
deteriorate to cause damage to, especially little by little. [1/2 definitions]
dew little drops of water that collect at night on grass, plants, and other cool surfaces.
dipper see "Big Dipper," "Little Dipper." [1/2 definitions]
discount to pay little or no attention to. [1/3 definitions]
dot a little mark or spot; speck. [1/5 definitions]
drought a long period with little or no rain.
dry having little or no rain. [1/8 definitions]
dwarf in fairy tales and legends, a strange-looking little man, often with a beard, who has magical powers. [1/4 definitions]
eco-friendly designed to cause as little damage to the natural environment as possible.
efficient operating or working in a way that gets results, with little wasted effort.
fast2 to eat very little or no food for religious or political reasons. [1/3 definitions]
flat1 having little or no air; deflated. [2/12 definitions]
gnome1 a creature in fairy tales that lives inside the earth and guards precious treasure. Gnomes are often portrayed as little old men with beards.
green of a company or industry, producing products that do little damage to the environment and producing them in a way that conserves energy from sources like coal and oil. A green company or industry does not pollute the air or water in making its products, or does so as little as possible. [3/11 definitions]
guess an opinion, estimate, or answer based on little or no information. [1/4 definitions]
halfhearted done with or showing little interest or enthusiasm.
hopeless having little or no hope; in despair. [1/2 definitions]
hunger the condition of having little food to eat. [1/5 definitions]
idle having little or no use or value. [1/6 definitions]
in one ear and out the other heard, but with little or no attention paid.
jog1 to give a little push or shake; nudge. [1/4 definitions]