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Children's Dictionary
dirt any dirty material such as mud or dust. [1/2 definitions]
drum a percussion instrument shaped like a cylinder. A drum has a hollow body covered at one or both ends by a tight material. It is played by beating with sticks or the hands. [1/5 definitions]
dust tiny, dry pieces of soil, dirt, or other material. [1/3 definitions]
embed to set firmly in some surrounding material.
fabric cloth that is woven or knitted; material.
fiber a plant material found in food that is not digested by the body but that plays an important part in good health. [1/2 definitions]
fiberglass fine threads of glass made into a building material. Fiberglass can be made into insulation for buildings, or it can be molded into a strong solid used in making parts of boats, cars, furniture, and other things.
file2 a long, thin steel tool with ridges on its surface. A file is used to shape, smooth, or grind down wood, metal, plastic, or other hard material. [1/2 definitions]
filling material used to fill a cavity in a tooth. [1/3 definitions]
film a thin strip of material covered with a substance that changes in the light. Film is used to make photographs and movies. [1/5 definitions]
filter a device used to remove dirt or other solids from liquids or gases. A filter can be made of paper, charcoal, or other material with tiny holes in it. [1/5 definitions]
filth material that is dirty, disgusting, or foul.
flannel a soft material made of wool or cotton. Flannel is used for warm clothing and bed covers, among other things.
fleece material with a deep, soft pile. [1/3 definitions]
fluff a soft, light material, or a mass of such a material. [1/2 definitions]
fly1 a strip of material along the edge of a piece of clothing that hides buttons or a zipper. Flies are usually found on the front of pants. [1/9 definitions]
foam used as a short form of "foam rubber," a soft, man-made material that feels similar to a sponge. [2/6 definitions]
gauze a thin cloth that one can see through or other material with a loose or open weave. [1/2 definitions]
glass a hard, clear material that breaks easily. Glass is used to make windows, bottles, mirrors, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
glitter small bits of material that sparkle, used for decoration. [1/3 definitions]
gopher a small rodent with gray or brown fur and a short tail. Gophers live in burrows and tunnel underground to look for food. They are also called pocket gophers, because they have pouches outside their cheeks where they carry food and nesting material. Gophers live in Central and North America.