divisor |
the number in an arithmetic problem by which another number is to be divided. |
do1 |
to attempt or carry out in order to solve a problem or achieve a particular goal. [1/12 definitions] |
drug |
A drug is a medicine. It is something that people take when they are sick or have pain, or when they have some kind of problem with their health. [1/2 definitions] |
economic |
An economic situation is a situation that has to do with money. It has to do with buying and selling goods and with making money and spending money. An economic problem is a problem concerning money. |
emotional |
Something emotional is something that has to do with how people feel. If you have an emotional problem, you have a problem connected with your emotions. [1/3 definitions] |
encounter |
When you encounter difficulty or something bad, it suddenly happens and causes a problem for you that you have to face. [1/4 definitions] |
example |
a math problem used to show how similar math problems can be solved. [1/4 definitions] |
figure out |
to find an answer to a problem or puzzling question by using the power of the mind. |
flashcard |
A flash card is one of a set of cards with words, numbers, or pictures on them. Each card gives a problem to be solved or requires a learner to remember certain information. The answer appears on the opposite side of the card. Each card is shown just for a moment in front of a student or class to get them to respond quickly. The cards are usually used to review information that has been studied before. |
formula |
A formula is a group of words or symbols that are used to express a rule or standard way of doing or finding out something. Formulas are often used to find the answer to a problem, especially a math or science problem. [1/4 definitions] |
forum |
a public meeting to discuss some problem of public or general interest. [1/2 definitions] |
free |
When you are free of something, you don't have it anymore and it is not a problem or something bad for you anymore. [1/14 definitions] |
frustrated |
feeling upset or angry because of being unable to do what one needs to do or being unable to solve a problem that one wants to solve. |
glitch |
(informal) a small problem or defect. |
global |
Something that is global has to do with the whole earth. If a problem is global, then it is a problem for the whole world. |
handle |
When you handle something, you do what needs to be done with it. You manage or control it. If you handle a problem, you do what you have to do to solve the problem. [1/4 definitions] |
help |
When you give someone help, you do something that makes what they are doing easier, solves a problem for them, or saves them from some danger. [1/7 definitions] |
idea |
An idea is something that you have thought of that might solve a problem or that might be a good or fun thing to do. [1/4 definitions] |
injury |
a particular wound or other physical problem caused by damage, such as a cut, a broken bone, or a burn. [1/2 definitions] |
innovation |
An innovation is a new way of doing something or a new thing that has been created to solve a problem or make something better. |
issue |
An issue is something that is important to people and that people are talking about. At a town meeting, people talk about different issues that matter to them. An issue is sometimes a thing that people are upset about or something that needs deciding. Sometimes an issue is a problem that needs to be solved. [1/2 definitions] |