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Children's Dictionary
dolphin a mammal that lives in the water. Dolphins look like large fish but they breathe air. They have teeth and a snout that looks like a beak. Most kinds of dolphins live in the ocean. A few kinds live in large rivers in Asia and South America. Dolphins are closely related to porpoises and other toothed whales.
domesticate to bring (animals) under the control of humans so that they can live near humans and be pets or working animals.
dormouse a small mammal that sleeps during the day. Dormice are rodents that live in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Many kinds of dormice look like small squirrels.
dragonfly a brightly colored insect with a long, narrow body. It has four long, clear wings that are held out from the body. Dragonflies live near fresh water and eat mosquitoes and other insects.
dwell to have one's home in; live or stay in. [1/2 definitions]
earth all of the people who live on Earth. [1/4 definitions]
eel a long fish that looks like a snake. Eels live in fresh water or salt water.
elephant an enormous mammal with a very long nose called a trunk. Elephants have curved tusks, huge, floppy ears, and four long, thick legs. Elephants use their trunks to pick up food, drink water, or lift things. They use their tusks to dig roots. Elephants travel in herds, eating tons of plants every day. African elephants are the largest mammals that live on land. Indian elephants are smaller and can be trained to work with people.
emigrant one who leaves a country to live in another.
emu a large bird with long legs that runs very fast but can not fly. Emus live in Australia.
ermine a weasel that has white fur in the winter. Ermines live in very cold regions of North America, Europe, and Asia.
exist to stay alive; live. [2/3 definitions]
fauna animals generally, or all the animals that live in a particular place. The word "fauna" contrasts with the word "flora," which refers to plants only.
feline having to do with cats, both house cats and cats that live in the wild. [1/3 definitions]
ferret a small mammal with light fur and black feet. Ferrets are a kind of weasel. They live in the plains of North America, where they eat prairie dogs. The North American ferret is closely related to the European ferret or polecat. [1/4 definitions]
feudalism a political and economic system in Europe and Japan during the Middle Ages. Royal or noble families owned the land and allowed people to live on and farm the land in return for a share of the crops and their service in war.
flat2 a British word for a group of connected rooms on one floor used as a place to live. "Flat" usually has the same meaning as "apartment."
for rent available to live in or use in exchange for payment.
frog1 a small, jumping animal with smooth, moist skin, long back legs, webbed feet, and no tail. Frogs are amphibians; they live in water during the first part of their lives and on land as adults. [1/2 definitions]
gerbil a very small rodent that looks like a mouse with a furry tail. Gerbils live in burrows in the deserts of Africa and Asia. They are often kept as pets.
ghetto a part of a town or city in which people of a particular race or religion are forced by law to live. [2 definitions]