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Children's Dictionary
download a computer file that is sent from one computer to another. [2 definitions]
drag to move (something) from one place to another on a computer screen by clicking on the object and holding down the mouse button while moving it. [1/6 definitions]
electronic mail a written message sent between people from a computer in one location to a computer in another location; e-mail.
email the practice or system by which written messages are sent from one computer to another; electronic mail. [4 definitions]
enter to write on a list; type into a computer. [1/7 definitions]
filename the name of a file on a computer. Every file on a computer must have a unique name.
floppy disk a thin plastic disk with a special coating, on which computer information can be stored; diskette.
folder on a computer, something that serves the purpose of organizing and holding documents for the user, symbolized by an icon that looks like a paper folder. [1/3 definitions]
graphics (used with a singular or plural verb) the process of making drawings, charts, and other images on a computer screen. [1/2 definitions]
hacker (informal) someone who is expert at correcting computer programs and is seen as a person interested only in computers. [2 definitions]
hard disk a rigid, magnetized disk built into a computer that is capable of storing a large amount of data.
hard drive a device for storing information on a computer's hard disk. A hard drive can be built into a computer or can sit outside the computer and be connected to it by a cable.
hardware all the mechanical and electronic parts of a computer. [1/2 definitions]
html abbreviation of "hypertext markup language," a computer language used to create documents on the World Wide Web.
hypertext markup language a computer language used to create documents on the World Wide Web; html.
icon on a phone or computer display, a small drawing that is used as a symbol. Clicking on the symbol requests a certain action from the computer, such as opening a file, taking a user to a location, or playing an audio. [1/3 definitions]
input information that is put into a computer. [2/3 definitions]
interactive allowing two-way communication between a computer and a person. [1/2 definitions]
interface the equipment or programs used to communicate between different computer systems or programs.
internet the world's largest computer network, which is made of millions of computers that are linked together. Some parts of the internet are the World Wide Web, electronic mail, and chat rooms.
joystick (informal) the control stick for an airplane, computer, or game.