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Children's Dictionary
downstairs at, to, or on a lower floor. [3 definitions]
downtown in, to, or toward the lower part or the business area of a town or city. [2 definitions]
downward toward a lower place or condition. [2 definitions]
drop to fall to a lower level. [1/9 definitions]
drumstick the lower leg of a bird, when thought of as food. [1/2 definitions]
duck2 to lower the head or whole body quickly to avoid something. [2/3 definitions]
earlobe the soft lower part of the ear.
eave (usually plural) the lower part of a roof that hangs out beyond the wall of a building.
economize to spend less money; lower expenses; be economical.
elbow the bend or joint between the upper arm and the lower arm. [1/3 definitions]
elevator a platform or a small room used to raise and lower people or goods from one level or floor to another in a building. [1/2 definitions]
English horn a woodwind instrument that looks like the oboe but is larger and lower in tone.
estuary the wide part of a river's lower end, where it meets the sea.
excursion a group tour taken for pleasure, often at a lower fare. [1/2 definitions]
eyelash the short, fine hairs that grow on the edge of the upper or lower eyelid; a single one of these hairs.
fall the act or condition of falling to a lower place. [1/10 definitions]
firefly an insect whose lower body flashes with light at night. A firefly is a kind of beetle.
flat1 having a surface without areas that are lower or higher than others. A flat surface does not have bumps, hills, or dips; smooth; even. [3/12 definitions]
foothill a lower hill near the base of a mountain or group of mountains.
forearm1 the lower arm in humans, between the elbow and wrist.
French fries (often lower case) potatoes cut into long strips and fried in fat.