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Children's Dictionary
drain something that slowly uses up energy, money, or some other resource. [1/9 definitions]
dynamic full of energy and strength; lively; active.
effort the action of physical or mental energy. [1/2 definitions]
electricity energy caused by the movement of electrons through matter. [1/3 definitions]
energetic full of energy; active.
engine a machine that uses energy from fuel or electricity to do work, such as to move. [1/2 definitions]
enterprising willing to do things that require energy and imagination.
exhaustion complete loss of energy; extreme fatigue. [1/2 definitions]
exhilarate to fill with energy. [1/2 definitions]
fission the splitting of the nucleus of an atom into two or more nuclei. This makes more atoms of lighter elements and gives off large amounts of energy.
flat1 having little interest, energy, or flavor; dull. [1/12 definitions]
fluorescent able to give off visible light after being exposed to a source of heat, light, or other form of energy.
force power, energy, or physical strength. [2/6 definitions]
fortify to give more strength, resistance, or energy to; reinforce.
frequency the number of energy waves that pass a certain point in a certain time period. Frequency is used to measure radio waves and other kinds of radiation. [1/3 definitions]
fuel anything such as wood or gasoline that is burned as a source of energy. [2 definitions]
full of beans (informal) full of energy; very active. [1/2 definitions]
fusion a reaction that combines the nuclei of atoms to form heavier nuclei. A huge amount of energy is released during nuclear fusion. [1/4 definitions]
generator a machine or device that produces electricity or other energy. [2 definitions]
go1 energy and spirit. [1/16 definitions]
go overboard to do far too much, or with too much energy.