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Children's Dictionary
drop to fall in amount, volume or quality. [1/9 definitions]
elasticity the condition or quality of being able to stretch easily without breaking and return to original shape.
elegant fine or rich in quality.
-ence a suffix that means "condition" or "quality." [1/2 definitions]
endow to provide with some ability or quality. [1/2 definitions]
enhance to improve or add to the quality, value, or attractiveness of.
enrich to provide with more of any valuable or desirable thing or quality. [1/2 definitions]
equality the condition, fact, or quality of being equal.
evaluation a report that tells the value or quality of something. [1/2 definitions]
execution the manner or quality of an action; technique. [1/3 definitions]
feature a part or quality of something. [1/4 definitions]
feel the quality of something to the touch. [1/7 definitions]
first before all others in time, importance, or quality. [1/5 definitions]
first-class of the highest in quality; best. [1/2 definitions]
first-rate of the highest quality; excellent.
flavor a particular quality that is noticed about a thing. [1/3 definitions]
gift a special talent, quality, or ability. [1/2 definitions]
give the quality of being able to move or bend easily. [1/7 definitions]
glamour the quality of being exciting, charming, and very attractive.
goodness the quality or condition of being good. [1/2 definitions]
grade a number or letter given on schoolwork to show quality or correctness. [1/7 definitions]