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Children's Dictionary
ebony a tree that produces this wood. [1/3 definitions]
elm a large shade tree with spreading branches.
eucalyptus a kind of tall evergreen tree native to Australia. The eucalyptus has leaves that give off a strong smelling oil that is used in medicines.
evergreen a tree, bush, or other plant with leaves that remain green throughout the year. [1/2 definitions]
fig a soft fruit, with many small seeds, that grows on a tree native to the Mediterranean, or the tree on which the fruit grows.
fir a type of evergreen tree. Fir trees bear cones and are related to the pines. There are many different kinds of firs.
foliage leaves on a tree or other plant. [1/2 definitions]
guava a tropical American tree that bears white flowers and fruit that can be eaten. [2 definitions]
hardwood the wood from such a tree. Hardwood is used by carpenters to make things. [1/2 definitions]
hawthorn a shrub or small tree with long thorns that has white or pink flowers and small red berries.
hazel a shrub or small tree that bears brown nuts that can be eaten. [2/5 definitions]
hemlock an evergreen tree of North America that has short needles and small cones, or the wood of this tree. [1/2 definitions]
hickory a tree of the walnut family, found mostly in North America. The hickory has nuts that can be eaten and wood that is hard and useful. [2 definitions]
holly a type of bush or tree with small white flowers, red berries, and shiny green leaves with sharp, pointed edges. [1/2 definitions]
juniper an evergreen shrub or small tree with cones that produce berries.
knot1 the place where a branch grows out of the trunk of a tree. When wood is cut into boards, the knot looks like a dark spot. [1/6 definitions]
larch A kind of tree that has cones and looks like an evergreen but has needles that turn yellow and are shed in the fall. [2 definitions]
laurel an evergreen tree or shrub that has large, shiny leaves and yellow flowers. [2/3 definitions]
leaf one of the usually green, flat parts of a plant or tree that grows from the stem or branch. [1/5 definitions]
lemon the tree on which this fruit grows. It has thorns and evergreen leaves. [1/3 definitions]
limb1 a main branch of a tree. [1/2 definitions]