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Children's Dictionary
almanac a book published every year that predicts the weather for each day and gives facts about the tides, the time the sun will rise and set, and other useful information. [1/2 definitions]
anytime at any moment, hour, or day; whenever.
April Fools' Day the first day of April, when friendly tricks and jokes are played on people.
Arctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator which marks the boundary of the Arctic. North of this line there are periods of continuous night in the winter and continuous day in the summer.
birthday the calendar day and month of one's birth, usually celebrated each year as that date occurs.
breakfast the first meal of the day, eaten in the morning. [1/2 definitions]
Canada Day a Canadian holiday on July 1. It celebrates the day in 1867 when Canada was formed by four provinces joining together.
Christmas this day as a holiday according to the law. It is a time for sending greetings and giving gifts. [1/2 definitions]
colon1 This mark, used to separate the hour and minute in writing times of day, as in "2:43 in the afternoon." [1/2 definitions]
commencement the day or ceremony of graduation from a school or college. [1/2 definitions]
daily happening or done every day. [3 definitions]
date1 a particular day or point in time. [1/6 definitions]
day a unit of time equal to the twenty-four hours included in one day and night. [1/3 definitions]
day care care during the day in a home or day-care center for children too young for school or older children after school or during vacation. Day care may also offer care for elderly or disabled people.
daylight the light of the day.
dinner the main meal of the day. [1/2 definitions]
Dominion Day see "Canada Day."
dormouse a small mammal that sleeps during the day. Dormice are rodents that live in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Many kinds of dormice look like small squirrels.
doubleheader two games held one after the other on the same day.
dusk the time of day just before night; last moments of twilight.
elephant an enormous mammal with a very long nose called a trunk. Elephants have curved tusks, huge, floppy ears, and four long, thick legs. Elephants use their trunks to pick up food, drink water, or lift things. They use their tusks to dig roots. Elephants travel in herds, eating tons of plants every day. African elephants are the largest mammals that live on land. Indian elephants are smaller and can be trained to work with people.