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Children's Dictionary
elk a large deer found in North America that has large, spreading antlers. This kind of deer is sometimes called American elk or wapiti. [1/2 definitions]
Erie a member of an American Indian people that lived in the region south of this lake. [1/2 definitions]
ferret a small mammal with light fur and black feet. Ferrets are a kind of weasel. They live in the plains of North America, where they eat prairie dogs. The North American ferret is closely related to the European ferret or polecat. [1/4 definitions]
flicker2 a large North American woodpecker. It is mostly brown and white and has either yellow or red under its wings and tail.
football the oval-shaped ball used in a game of American football. [1/4 definitions]
garden the British word for an area around one's home planted with grass, flowers, or other plants. This meaning of "garden" has the same meaning as the American word "yard." [1/3 definitions]
ghost town a town that has been deserted, especially one in the American West where gold or silver mines have closed.
grackle a North American blackbird with a long tail and shiny black feathers.
guava a tropical American tree that bears white flowers and fruit that can be eaten. [1/2 definitions]
hedgehog another name for the American porcupine, a kind of rodent. [1/2 definitions]
Hispanic Latin American. [2/3 definitions]
hogan a type of house built by the Navajo and other Native American people. A hogan is made of earth walls supported by logs.
Hopi a member of a tribe of Pueblo American Indians of northeastern Arizona.
Huron a member of one of the Native American peoples that once lived near this lake. [1/2 definitions]
Indian a member of the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere, or a living relative of such a person. The only native peoples who are not included among Indians are the Inuits, Aleuts, and Yupiks. Indians are also referred to as American Indians or Native Americans. [2/4 definitions]
Iroquois a member of a large, united group of American Indian peoples of New York State. The Iroquois confederacy is made up of six different Indian nations.
Kwanzaa an African-American festival, celebrating family, community, and culture, held from December 26 to January 1.
Latina a woman or girl who was born in or is a citizen of a country in Latin America, or an American woman or girl of Latin American origin. [1/2 definitions]
Latino a person who was born in or is a citizen of a country in Latin America, or an American of Latin American origin. [1/2 definitions]
locust a North American tree in the legume family that has leaves with many parts and white flowers that hang in clusters. [1/3 definitions]
mask a covering of metal bars or wire mesh used for protection of the face, especially in sports such as fencing, hockey, and American football. [1/6 definitions]