eve |
The evening or day before a special day such as a holiday is called an "eve." For example, the last evening before New Year's Day is called "New Year's Eve." |
extend |
to make longer in size; make last longer. [1/3 definitions] |
final |
happening at or being the end of something; last. [3/4 definitions] |
finale |
the last part of a piece of music. [2 definitions] |
finally |
after a long time or a long wait; at last. [1/2 definitions] |
finish |
the end or last part of something. [1/5 definitions] |
goose bump |
roughness of the skin that looks like the skin of a plucked goose. Goose bumps last only for a short while and are caused by cold or fear. |
go out |
If you are playing a game of cards and you go out, it means that you use the last card in your hand. Now you have no more cards and you are finished. [1/4 definitions] |
guide word |
one or two words printed at the top of the page in a reference book to help the reader find the right page. In this dictionary, the guide words at the top of each page show what the first and last entries on that page are. |
happen |
If an accident happened last night, it means that there was an accident last night. If there was a storm last night, we might say that a storm happened last night. Things like breaking a leg, getting sick, becoming rich, or winning a prize are some of the many things that happen in people's lives. [1/3 definitions] |
hold out |
to continue; last; endure. [1/2 definitions] |
hold up |
to last or continue. [1/4 definitions] |
hour |
"Hour" is one of the words we use when we measure time. There are sixty minutes in one hour and twenty-four hours in a day. Two hours is about how long most movies last. [1/4 definitions] |
identical |
If you go to a movie and sit in the identical seat where you sat last time, it means you sit in the exact same seat as the time before. [1/3 definitions] |
infinity |
If we begin counting, we can never get to the end of numbers because there is always another number after the last one we count. This happens because numbers continue to infinity. Infinity is sort of like the end of all numbers, except that numbers never end! [1/2 definitions] |
in the nick of time |
at the last possible moment to produce some result. |
junior |
younger (used especially after one's name when one has the same first and last name as one's father and often abbreviated as "Jr.") [1/5 definitions] |
last1 |
coming after or finishing behind all others. [6/7 definitions] |
last2 |
When your shoes last, they don't break or get holes in them. They stay in good condition. [1/3 definitions] |
lately |
"Lately" means "recently." When you have not seen someone lately, it means that you have not seen them recently, or in the last few weeks or months. |
leave1 |
When you leave something, you let it stay where it is instead of taking it away. If you leave your backpack at home, it means that you do not take the backpack with you when you go out. If you leave the last cookie, it means you don't eat that one. You let it stay on the plate. [1/7 definitions] |