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face to stand before or deal with in a brave way. [1/8 definitions]
faint When a person faints, they suddenly can't stand or sit up, and they look as if they have fallen asleep. A person who faints cannot hear or see anything. Fainting only lasts a short time. People sometimes faint when they experience a shock of some kind. [1/3 definitions]
flamingo A flamingo is a large, tropical bird with very long legs and a long neck. They stand in the water and hunt for fish and other things to eat. The feathers of flamingos are usually bright pink or red.
floor A floor is the surface that you stand on in a room. [1/5 definitions]
foot Your foot is the part of your body that touches the ground when you stand. The foot is the end part of your leg. If you didn't have at least one foot, you couldn't stand, and you couldn't walk. [1/3 definitions]
footing a firm base on which one can stand, build, or grow. [1/3 definitions]
get up to stand up. [1/2 definitions]
hardy able to stand hardship; tough; brave. [2 definitions]
Heimlich maneuver an emergency technique used to save a person choking on something, such as food. One must stand behind the person choking and wrap one's arms around the person, just below the rib cage. One then presses hard in an upward movement to force air from the lungs. The rush of air should eject the object.
hieroglyphic having to do with writing that uses pictures and symbols to stand for words or sounds. [1/2 definitions]
hold out to stand firm and not give in; resist. [1/2 definitions]
home In the game of baseball, home is where you stand when you bat, and it is the base you have to touch in order to score a point. "Home" has the same meaning as "home base" or "home plate." [1/6 definitions]
intolerable If something is intolerable, it is so bad that you can't stand it. You don't want to live with it because it is too terrible. You will try to escape it or change it.
jump When you jump from your seat, it means that you stand up quickly. [1/10 definitions]
lamp A lamp is a thing made by people that gives off light. Lamps often stand on a desk or table, or on the floor. The lamps that people use now usually use electricity to make light, but some lamps burn oil or some kind of gas.
leg Your legs are the parts of your body that you use to stand and walk. [1/4 definitions]
line1 When people line up, they form a line. They begin to stand one person after the other. [1/11 definitions]
loiter to stand around idly.
loll to stand, sit, or lie in a lazy or relaxed manner; lounge. [1/2 definitions]
loyalty When someone shows loyalty, they are faithful or true to you. They stand by your side.
merry-go-round A merry-go-round is a piece of play equipment in a park. It's a round platform that turns around in a circle when it is pushed. Some kids sit or stand on the platform while others run around the outside and push to make it go around. The harder kids push, the faster the merry-go-round will go. [1/2 definitions]