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Children's Dictionary
familiar close; friendly. [1/3 definitions]
farsighted able to see objects well in the distance, but not so well if they are close. [1/2 definitions]
fasten to close firmly or cause to stay closed with a lock, buttons, or other fastener. [1/3 definitions]
fill to close up or plug. [1/7 definitions]
fold1 to hold close; clasp or twine together. [1/8 definitions]
gate a part of a fence or wall that swings to open and close. [1/2 definitions]
girl a close female friend; girlfriend. [1/2 definitions]
hedge to close in or mark off with a hedge; border (usually followed by "in"). [1/3 definitions]
hinge a device on a door, window, or lid made of two pieces connected so that one piece can open, close, or swing upon the other. [1/3 definitions]
huddle to gather in a small, close group. [3/5 definitions]
hug to stay close to while moving beside or on. [1/4 definitions]
immediate close in space or time; near. [1/3 definitions]
intimate1 very warm, friendly, or close. [1/2 definitions]
jaw either of two parts of a tool that close or grip like jaws, as on pliers. [1/3 definitions]
keep tabs on (informal) to keep under close watch; observe carefully.
key1 a metal object cut in a special way to open or close locks. [1/6 definitions]
like1 having close resemblance. [1/5 definitions]
lockjaw a disease that causes the muscles of the jaw to first become tight and then close the jaw shut. Lockjaw is a type of tetanus.
low1 close to the ground or bottom; not high. [1/11 definitions]
mate1 a close friend or companion. [1/6 definitions]
morning glory a climbing vine with flowers that open in the morning and close by evening. Morning glory flowers are shaped like a trumpet and come in several colors.