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Children's Dictionary
fishery a business that catches or sells fish and other seafood. [2 definitions]
fishhook a metal hook with a barb and sharp tip, used to catch fish.
fishing the method, pastime, or occupation of catching or trying to catch fish.
fishing pole any long slender pole that is used in catching fish. A long line, often made of nylon, is loosely attached to the pole. This line has a hook attached to it on one end.
fishing rod a long thin pole with a line, hook, and often a reel that is used for catching fish.
fishy like a fish in taste or smell. [1/3 definitions]
flatfish a kind of fish that lives in salt water and has a flat body with both eyes on the top side. Sole, halibut, and flounder are flatfish.
flying fish a fish that lives in the ocean and has fins that look like wings. Flying fish can glide in the air after jumping from the water.
gill1 the organ used for breathing by fish and other animals that live in water.
goldfish a small fish that lives in fresh water. Goldfish are usually yellow or orange and are often kept in ponds or aquariums.
guppy a small fish that lives in fresh water in South America and the West Indies. Guppies have bright colors and are often kept in aquariums.
harpoon a weapon that is like a spear with a barbed head and a rope at the tail end. Harpoons are used in hunting whales and large fish. [1/2 definitions]
hatch1 to help a young animal break out from (its egg) and be born. Birds, reptiles, and certain kinds of fish hatch eggs. [2/4 definitions]
hatchery a place where the eggs of fish, chickens, or other animals are hatched.
herring a small fish that lives in northern waters. Herring are used for food.
jaguar a large mammal with short yellow fur and black rings. Jaguars are carnivores that hunt or fish for food. They live in the southern United States and Central and South America. Jaguars are closely related to lions, tigers, and other big cats. They are sometimes called panthers.
killer whale a black and white, toothed whale. Killer whales kill and eat seals and large fish.
kingfisher a bird with a large head, strong beak, and bright markings. Kingfishers often have a crest on their head. They live near water and eat fish or insects.
lure something used to attract and catch fish or other animals; bait. [1/3 definitions]
mackerel a fish that has dark marks that look like waves on its back and a silver underside. Mackerel live in the Atlantic Ocean and are used for food.
mermaid an imaginary sea creature with the head and upper body of a woman and the lower body and tail of a fish.