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Children's Dictionary
flip1 to toss with a quick, sharp movement. [1/6 definitions]
flit to fly or move in a quick or light way.
flush1 to flow in a quick, heavy manner. [1/7 definitions]
flutter to fly with quick, light wing movements. [2/5 definitions]
glance to take a quick look. [2/3 definitions]
gleam a sudden or quick feeling. [1/3 definitions]
glimpse a quick look. [2 definitions]
hasty fast or quick; hurried. [2 definitions]
headlong sudden or quick. [1/4 definitions]
hitch1 to pull with a quick jerk (usually followed by "up"). [1/6 definitions]
hop1 to make a short, quick leap or leaps. [3/4 definitions]
hover to stay hanging in the air, often by quick flapping or spinning. [1/2 definitions]
jab to hit with a quick, hard blow or a weapon. [1/3 definitions]
jerky1 having sudden starts and stops or other quick movements that are not expected.
jot to write in a quick and simple way (usually followed by "down").
leap an act or instance of leaping; quick jump. [1/3 definitions]
lifeboat a boat made for quick rescue of people. It can be carried on a larger boat, or it can be used from shore.
lively with quick movements or lots of energy. [1/4 definitions]
nimble quick and light in movement.
notation a quick note to help a person remember something. [1/2 definitions]
on the ball acting in a quick and able way. [1/2 definitions]