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Children's Dictionary
flurry a light fall of snow that ends quickly. [1/2 definitions]
give way to collapse or fall apart.
goldenrod a plant with small, yellow flowers on top of tall, stiff stems. It blooms in late summer or early fall.
hail2 to fall or pour down in icy rain. [2/4 definitions]
heave to rise and fall heavily. [1/6 definitions]
idiom a phrase that cannot be understood by understanding the meanings of each of its words. The phrase "fall out," meaning "have a disagreement," is an idiom.
keel over to fall over suddenly; faint.
knock down to make a person or object that had been standing fall to the ground.
knock over to make an object or person that had been standing fall to the ground or other surface.
lag to fall behind an expected pace. [1/4 definitions]
lapse a decline or fall that happens a little at a time or slowly. [2/5 definitions]
larch A kind of tree that has cones and looks like an evergreen but has needles that turn yellow and are shed in the fall. [1/2 definitions]
lose one's balance to become unsteady or fall.
monarch a large orange, black, and white butterfly. Monarchs migrate over great distances in the fall and spring. [1/2 definitions]
parachute a large device made of strong, thin cloth that opens up like an umbrella. A parachute slows the fall of a person who jumps from an airplane. It can also be used in the same way for something that is dropped from an airplane. [1/3 definitions]
plop to drop or fall in a heavy manner. [1/3 definitions]
precipitate to change from water vapor and fall to the ground as rain, snow, or sleet. [1/2 definitions]
ragweed a weed that produces a large amount of pollen in the fall. Many people are allergic to ragweed.
rain drops of water that form in the clouds and fall from the sky to the earth. [3/5 definitions]
rickety likely to fall over or fall apart; shaky. [1/2 definitions]
sawdust the tiny bits that fall away when wood is sawed.