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Children's Dictionary
folk having to do with the art forms of a people's traditions or culture. [1/5 definitions]
gallery a building used to display or sell art. [1/2 definitions]
humanity (plural) studies that deal with human thoughts and human culture. The humanities include music, art, history, and literature, but do not include the sciences. [1/3 definitions]
imagery images that are created in the mind while reading or looking at art.
institute a college teaching a special subject matter, such as art or technology. [1/4 definitions]
jade1 a hard green stone or the jewelry or works of art made from it.
lettering the act or art of printing or writing letters. [1/2 definitions]
masterpiece a work of art of the highest quality. [1/2 definitions]
mime the art or practice of telling a story or acting out a dramatic or comical scene by means of hand and body movements rather than speaking; pantomime. [1/2 definitions]
Minerva the goddess of wisdom and art in Roman myth. In Greek myth, Minerva is called Athena.
mobile a decorative object or a work of art that is made to be suspended in the air. It is made of pieces that are connected by wire or string. A mobile moves when touched by a breeze. [1/3 definitions]
museum a building where collections of objects that are important to history, art, or science are kept and shown to the public.
music the art of taking different tones and rhythms and making them into a piece that can be played or sung; the art of creating a musical composition. [2/4 definitions]
nude a naked person in works of art. [1/3 definitions]
origami the Japanese art or technique of folding paper into pleasing figures.
painting the field of art that deals with pictures made using paints. [1/3 definitions]
pastel the art of drawing with such crayons, or a picture made by using them. [1/5 definitions]
penmanship the art, skill, or manner of handwriting.
photography the art or practice of taking and making photographs.
piece a work of art, literature, or music. [1/5 definitions]
poetry the art of writing poetry, or the work of a poet. [1/2 definitions]