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Children's Dictionary
foot the part of something that is lowest or opposite the head. [1/3 definitions]
full moon the moon when it is on the side of Earth that is opposite the sun and looks from Earth like a complete circle. [1/2 definitions]
hook the curve of a ball in the direction opposite to the throwing or striking hand. [1/10 definitions]
hypotenuse the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle; the longest side of a right triangle.
jet engine an engine that causes forward movement by the power of a stream of gases being forced out under pressure in the opposite direction. Jet engines are often used in aircraft.
left1 of, located on, or pertaining to the side of the human body where the heart is located or to the side of any other thing in the same position with respect to its other side; opposite of right. [1/2 definitions]
median a strip of land that divides two lanes of traffic going in opposite directions on a highway. [1/2 definitions]
north one of the four major points of direction on the compass. The north is directly opposite the south. [1/6 definitions]
other opposite or reverse. [1/11 definitions]
parallelogram a flat closed figure with four straight sides. The opposite sides are parallel and equal to each other.
pole2 either of the opposite ends of a magnet, or either of the charged ends of an electric battery. [1/2 definitions]
rectangle a flat, closed figure with four straight sides, four right angles, and opposite sides parallel to each other.
retrorocket a small rocket attached to a spacecraft and used to help the spacecraft slow down or change direction. Retrorockets fire in the direction opposite to the direction the main rocket is going in.
reverse opposite in direction, position, or movement; backward. [4/9 definitions]
rhombus a flat, closed figure in which all four sides are equal in length, and both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.
right of, located on, or pertaining to the side of the human body that is opposite where the heart is or to the side of any other thing in the same position. [2/21 definitions]
south one of the four major points of direction on the compass. The south is directly opposite the north. [1/6 definitions]
split (sometimes plural) a movement in gymnastics in which the legs are spread in opposite directions as the body sinks to the ground. [1/11 definitions]
sport an athletic event or game played according to rules. Sports often require certain skills and involve two people or teams on opposite sides. [1/6 definitions]
tail (plural) the reverse side of a coin, opposite the head. [1/7 definitions]
thick large in measurement from one side of a surface to the opposite side; not thin in the smallest dimension of something. [1/6 definitions]