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Children's Dictionary
fox a wild mammal that has a pointed nose, pointed ears, and a bushy tail. Foxes are closely related to coyotes, dogs, and wolves. Foxes hunt insects, birds, and other small animals but will sometimes eat plants, especially fruit. [1/3 definitions]
frog1 a small, jumping animal with smooth, moist skin, long back legs, webbed feet, and no tail. Frogs are amphibians; they live in water during the first part of their lives and on land as adults. [1/2 definitions]
fuselage the body of an airplane. The engines, wings, and tail are attached to the fuselage. The passengers, cargo, and crew ride in the fuselage.
gerbil a very small rodent that looks like a mouse with a furry tail. Gerbils live in burrows in the deserts of Africa and Asia. They are often kept as pets.
Gila monster a large, poisonous reptile that lives in the southwestern part of the United States and in Mexico. This lizard has a short tail and scales in patterns of black with orange, yellow, or pink.
gnu a large mammal with a large head and long, curving horns. Gnus live in Africa and are a kind of antelope. They have a beard, a mane, and a long tail.
gopher a small rodent with gray or brown fur and a short tail. Gophers live in burrows and tunnel underground to look for food. They are also called pocket gophers, because they have pouches outside their cheeks where they carry food and nesting material. Gophers live in Central and North America.
grackle a North American blackbird with a long tail and shiny black feathers.
guinea pig a small mammal with short legs and no tail. Guinea pigs are rodents closely related to chinchillas and porcupines. Some science laboratories use guinea pigs for research and to test new medicines. Wild guinea pigs live in South America. [1/2 definitions]
hamster a very small mammal with a round body, short tail, and large pouches in its cheeks. Hamsters are rodents that live in burrows and come out at night to find food. They are often kept as pets or used in scientific experiments. Different kinds of wild hamsters live in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
harpoon a weapon that is like a spear with a barbed head and a rope at the tail end. Harpoons are used in hunting whales and large fish. [1/2 definitions]
hedgehog a very small animal with a pointed nose and a very short tail. Hedgehogs have brown and yellow fur with spines that stick out and protect them when they roll into a ball. They make tunnels in rows of bushes called hedges. Hedgehogs are insectivores; they are mammals that eat insects. Different kinds of hedgehogs live in Europe, Asia, and Africa. [1/2 definitions]
horned lizard a lizard with a short tail and short legs that eats insects; horned toad. It lives in the western part of the United States and in Mexico. The horned lizard has spines that look like horns on its head and rough scales and spines on its body.
horse a large mammal with long legs and hooves. A horse has a long neck with a mane, short hair, and a long tail. In the wild, horses live in herds and eat grass and other plants. For thousands of years, people have used horses for riding and for pulling or carrying loads. [1/3 definitions]
kite a bird like a hawk that has pointed wings and a forked tail. [1/2 definitions]
lemming a very small mammal that looks like a mouse with a short tail. Lemmings are rodents that live in the far northern parts of Europe, Asia, and North America. Some kinds of lemmings migrate in groups if their population gets very large. Migrating lemmings may drown in bodies of water.
lemur a small, furry mammal with large, round eyes and a long tail. They are active mainly at night. Lemurs are found in Madagascar, a large island country near the eastern coast of Africa, and in nearby islands.
lizard a reptile with rough, scaly skin, four legs, and a long tapering tail.
lynx a mammal in the cat family with soft, spotted fur, pointed ears, and a short tail. Several kinds of lynx live in Europe, North America, and Asia. They are carnivores and are related to other wild cats. The average lynx is about two to four times the size of a house cat.
magpie a large black and white bird with a long tail and a noisy, chattering call.
mermaid an imaginary sea creature with the head and upper body of a woman and the lower body and tail of a fish.