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Children's Dictionary
frail1 easily broken or damaged. [1/2 definitions]
give the quality of being able to move or bend easily. [1/7 definitions]
glaring very easily noticed; obvious. [1/3 definitions]
glass a hard, clear material that breaks easily. Glass is used to make windows, bottles, mirrors, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
gross easily seen; completely obvious. [1/5 definitions]
gullible believing almost anything; easily tricked.
hardy able to stand or live through harsh weather or bad conditions; not easily killed. [1/2 definitions]
have a thin skin to be very easily offended.
high-strung very nervous; easily upset; usually tense.
hydrogen a very light gas that burns easily and is one of the chemical elements. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. It combines with oxygen to make water, and it is found in all living things. Hydrogen combines with many substances and has many uses. (symbol: H)
iconic widely known or easily recognized. [1/2 definitions]
infectious spreading easily as though by infection. [1/2 definitions]
intelligible able to be easily understood; easy to comprehend.
iodine a substance that is one of the chemical elements. Iodine combines easily with other elements. It is found in salt water and seaweed. Iodine is poisonous in its pure crystal form. (symbol: I) [1/2 definitions]
iron a heavy silver-gray metal that is one of the chemical elements. Iron rusts easily and can be magnetized. It is found in many minerals in the earth's crust and is also found in blood. Iron is often combined with other metals to form alloys such as steel. (symbol: Fe) [1/9 definitions]
irritable easily bothered or angered.
keen1 very sharp; able to cut easily into thin, exact pieces. [1/3 definitions]
kindling dry material that burns easily and is used to start a fire.
krypton a gas that is a chemical element. Krypton does not combine easily with other elements. (symbol: Kr)
laptop a short form of "laptop computer." A laptop computer is a computer that is small and that can easily be moved from place to place. A laptop computer can fold up so that it can become flat.
left-handed using the left hand more easily than the right. [1/3 definitions]