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Children's Dictionary
bass drum a large drum that makes a low, booming sound.
bush1 a low plant with many woody branches; shrub.
buzz a soft, low hum. [3/4 definitions]
cheap having a low price. [2/4 definitions]
cockpit a low, open area near the stern of a boat with space for the person steering, the crew, and passengers. [1/2 definitions]
coffee table a long, low table usually placed in front of a sofa.
cold weather marked by low temperature. [1/7 definitions]
croak to make a low, hoarse sound with the voice. [2 definitions]
culm1 particle waste from coal screening. [1/3 definitions]
cyclone a storm with very strong winds that turn around a center of low pressure in the atmosphere.
deep low in pitch. [1/7 definitions]
dejected in low spirits; sad.
depress to cause to be unhappy or in low spirits.
depressed sad or very low in spirits. [1/3 definitions]
depression a mood characterized by deep sadness or low spirits. [2/4 definitions]
disapprove to have a low opinion of someone or something; not approve (often followed by "of").
drone2 to make a low, steady hum. [2/3 definitions]
fender a low metal guard in front of a fireplace. [1/2 definitions]
flat1 (often pl.) a type of woman's shoe with no heel or a very low heel. [1/12 definitions]
footstool a low stool on which to rest the feet while seated.
galley a large, low ship of ancient and medieval times that was moved by oars and sometimes by sails. [1/2 definitions]