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Children's Dictionary
glacier a large mass of ice formed in cold regions from compacted snow and very slowly moving down a slope or across land.
hair a mass of such strands growing on a person's head or on the skin of a mammal. [1/3 definitions]
iceberg a large floating mass of ice that has broken from a glacier.
jam1 a large gathering or mass that slows or stops movement. [1/8 definitions]
loaf1 a mass of bread or cake baked in one piece. [2 definitions]
lump a small mass or pile with no special shape; hunk. [1/4 definitions]
mainland the main land mass of a country or continent, not including nearby islands.
mash to make into a soft mass by grinding or crushing. [1/4 definitions]
Mass a religious ceremony in the Roman Catholic and certain other churches. At a Mass, people seek communion with God.
mass to come together to form a mass. [1/7 definitions]
mat1 a thick mass of tangled hair or fur. [3/6 definitions]
media1 the means of distributing information to large numbers of people, through newspapers, magazines, radio, and television; mass media. [1/2 definitions]
mist a mass or cloud of tiny water drops in the air. [1/4 definitions]
mop a thick or tangled mass. [1/3 definitions]
mountain a land mass with great height and steep sides that is higher than a hill. [1/2 definitions]
muscle a mass of such tissue that moves a particular part of the body. [1/3 definitions]
mush1 any mass that is like this cereal in texture. [1/2 definitions]
neutron a small particle present in the nucleus of all atoms except the hydrogen atom. Neutrons have no electrical charge. The mass of a neutron is about equal to the mass of a proton.
pack1 to form into a thick or solid mass. [1/9 definitions]
pellet a small rounded mass of food, medicine, or some other substance. [1/2 definitions]
people the mass of ordinary persons (often used with "the"). [1/5 definitions]