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Children's Dictionary
glow to show strong, good feelings; be radiant. [1/6 definitions]
go1 to be a good match with something else. [1/16 definitions]
good sound; in good condition; able to be relied on. [2/12 definitions]
goodness the quality or condition of being good. [1/2 definitions]
good night used to say good-bye at night.
gourmet a person who loves and knows much about good food and fine wine. [1/2 definitions]
great (informal) very good. [1/6 definitions]
grip a good understanding of something. [1/6 definitions]
handshake the gripping and shaking of hands between two people when they meet or say good-bye.
handy good at doing things with one's hands; skillful. [1/3 definitions]
happen to have the accidental fate, good luck, or misfortune (to be or do something). [1/4 definitions]
have one's fingers crossed to hope for a good ending or result.
health food food believed to be good for one's health. Health food is grown without chemicals and contains no additional substances.
healthful good for the health.
healthy having to do with a good mind and body. [2/3 definitions]
heaven (often cap.) in some religions, the abode of God, where the souls of the good and faithful will dwell after death. [1/4 definitions]
hero a person who is brave, good, and often looked up to by others. [1/2 definitions]
heroine a woman who is looked up to for her good character or fine actions. [1/2 definitions]
hit the jackpot (informal) to have sudden good luck or success; to win a jackpot.
honor the state of having a good character and honest behavior. [1/8 definitions]
imaginative having or showing an active or good imagination.