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grind When you grind something, you make it into very small bits or a powder. You grind something by crushing it and cutting it up with something very hard like a stone, or by using a machine to do that. After you grind something like wheat or corn, you have flour.
haircut the act or process of cutting hair. [1/2 definitions]
jigsaw A jigsaw is a saw that has a narrow, thin metal blade for cutting sharp corners or curved designs. Jigsaws are usually powered by electricity.
knife a tool with a handle and a thin, sharp blade, used for cutting. [1/2 definitions]
lathe a machine for shaping a piece of wood, metal, or other hard material. The lathe holds and spins the material while another cutting tool is held against it.
logging Logging is the work or business of cutting down trees, trimming them, and bringing them to a place where the wood is cut into pieces.
mangle1 to damage badly by cutting, crushing, or tearing apart.
mower A mower is a machine for cutting grass or other plants. A mower is also a person who mows.
mutilate to destroy by cutting or tearing off a necessary part. [1/2 definitions]
pliers a tool that has a pair of jaws connected to handles and is used for holding, bending, or cutting things.
plow a heavy farm tool that has a wide blade and is pulled by a tractor or strong animal. Plows are used for turning over and cutting through soil. [1/5 definitions]
razor A razor is a tool with a very sharp blade that is used for cutting hair close to the skin.
saw1 a tool with a thin metal blade that has sharp teeth along the edge. Saws are used for cutting hard materials such as wood or metal. [1/2 definitions]
scissors a tool used for cutting. Scissors are made up of two blades that are joined so that their edges may be opened and closed.
scythe a tool that has a long handle with a long, curved blade attached to the end at a right angle. It is used for cutting grass or harvesting grain by hand.
sharp When a knife is sharp, it has a thin edge for cutting. When a pencil is sharp, it has a thin, fine point. [1/10 definitions]
shave to remove by cutting with a razor. [1/4 definitions]
shear When someone shears a sheep, they cut the sheep's wool very short with a cutting tool.
siege a military act of surrounding a city or base, attacking it, and cutting off supplies. The goal of a siege is to force the city or fort to surrender.
slice to take from a larger portion by cutting (sometimes followed by "off," "from," or "away"). [1/6 definitions]
slip2 a cutting from a plant. [1/3 definitions]