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Children's Dictionary
guess to form an opinion without enough information to be certain. [1/4 definitions]
inadequate not enough; not good enough.
infatuated having an attraction to someone or something that is strong enough to take away one's good judgment.
insecure without enough protection; not safe or secure. [1/3 definitions]
insufficient not enough in number, degree, amount, or quality; not sufficient.
judge a person who knows enough about something to give an opinion or suggestion. [1/6 definitions]
lavish being large in amount or expensive; more than enough. [1/3 definitions]
make both ends meet to make enough money to pay for needed things.
make ends meet to make enough money to pay for needed things.
malnutrition the condition of not having enough food or not having the right kind of food for good health.
manhole an opening in a street large enough for a person to climb into to make repairs underneath the street. A manhole is usually covered by a lid.
miniature A miniature thing is something that looks exactly like something of a much bigger size. A miniature car might be small enough to play with like a toy. [1/2 definitions]
monster anything that is large enough to be shocking. [1/4 definitions]
narrow barely enough; close. [1/6 definitions]
plentiful large in amount; more than enough.
pocket small enough in size or amount to carry in a pocket. [1/5 definitions]
portion a serving or helping of food that is enough for one person. [1/3 definitions]
respectable good enough. [1/4 definitions]
rocking horse a toy horse built on springs or rockers that is large enough for a child to ride.
satisfactory good enough to meet a need or desire.
scant barely enough; very little. [1/2 definitions]