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Children's Dictionary
ham2 an actor who exaggerates his emotions and movements on stage. [1/2 definitions]
Hamlet the title character in one of Shakespeare's plays. Hamlet is a prince who avenges his father's death by slaying the murderer.
Hercules a hero in Greek and Roman mythology. Hercules was half man and half god and known for his amazing strength.
Hermes the messenger of the gods, in Greek mythology. Hermes was also the god of travelers, of trade, of theft, and of skill in speaking. He is often shown with wings on his hat and shoes. In Roman mythology, Hermes is called Mercury.
highness (capital) a title of honor used when speaking to or about a royal person (usually preceded by "His", "Her", or "Your").
himself his own self (used to show that an action is done to the same male who does that action). [2/3 definitions]
hypocrite a person who pretends to be different or better than he or she really is. Someone who does not act according to his or her stated beliefs is a hypocrite.
immigrant a person who moves permanently to another country from his or her native land.
jackknife a kind of dive in which a person bends in the air, touches his feet, and straightens out before reaching the water. [1/2 definitions]
joust a real or pretend fight between two knights on horseback. Each knight tries to knock the other off his horse with a lance. [1/2 definitions]
knight a man given a rank of honor by a king or queen for service to his country. [1/4 definitions]
martyr a person who chooses to die or be killed rather than give up his or her religion. [1/2 definitions]
mime an actor who tells a story or acts out a scene using just his or her body movements and without using any words. [1/2 definitions]
narcissus (capital) in Greek mythology, a young man who fell in love with his own reflection and, when he perished from unfulfilled love, was transformed into a flower. [1/3 definitions]
New Testament the books of the Christian Bible that tell of the life and works of Jesus Christ and his apostles.
patriot one who loves, supports, and defends his or her country.
prime the time in a life or career when a person is at his or her best. [1/5 definitions]
racist a person who believes in the notion that racial groups have basic differences that can make one or more groups superior to others and typically believes that his or her own racial group is superior to all others. [1/3 definitions]
rebel a person who fights against or is not loyal to the government of his or her country. [1/5 definitions]
refugee a person forced to leave his or her home or country to seek safety or protection.
rookie a professional athlete in his or her first season on a team. [1/2 definitions]