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Children's Dictionary
ham2 an amateur radio operator. [1/2 definitions]
headphone (usually plural) a sound receiver for a radio or stereo system that is held over one or both ears by a band; earphones.
in person being actually present, rather than on the phone or radio, in pictures, or in the movies.
interference static that makes a radio or TV signal not clear. [1/4 definitions]
jingle a light, lively song or poem that is easy to remember. Jingles are often used to help sell products on radio and television. [1/4 definitions]
journalism the work of collecting news and information and giving it out to the public through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or other media.
kilohertz a unit that measures the frequency of radio waves. One kilohertz is equal to one thousand cycles per second. (abbreviated: kHz)
live2 being broadcast on television or radio at the same moment that the action is taking place. [2/4 definitions]
mass media those ways of communicating that reach large numbers of people, such as newspapers, magazines, television, and radio.
media1 the means of distributing information to large numbers of people, through newspapers, magazines, radio, and television; mass media. [1/2 definitions]
microwave a type of radio wave with a high frequency. Microwaves are used in special ovens to heat food and liquids. [1/2 definitions]
mobile a telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A mobile can be taken with one anywhere but may not function if it is too far away from a radio transmitter to receive signals. "Mobile" has the same meaning as "cell phone." [1/3 definitions]
network a group of radio or television stations, or a company that controls such a group. [1/5 definitions]
news (used with a singular verb) a report of recent important events, read out on the television or radio, or printed in a newspaper, magazine, or Web site.
newscast a program on television or radio that presents the news.
off the air not broadcast on radio or television.
on the air broadcast on radio or television.
program a television or radio show. [1/7 definitions]
prompt to assist by providing forgotten words in theater, radio, and television. [1/4 definitions]
quasar a heavenly object that is similar to a star. Quasars are far away from the earth and send out powerful radio waves.
radar the use of radio waves to track the location, distance, and speed of faraway objects. Waves are sent out and then picked up again when they bounce back after hitting some object. [1/2 definitions]