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Children's Dictionary
hangnail a small, loose piece of skin at the side or bottom of the fingernail.
hatch2 an opening in the floor, roof, or side of a building or vehicle. Hatches are often found on ships and allow passengers or cargo to pass through. [1/2 definitions]
head the side of a coin that shows the main design. [1/10 definitions]
helicopter a type of aircraft that is held in the air and moved along by spinning blades attached to its top side.
hillside the side of a hill.
hip1 the part on either side of the body between the waist and the thigh.
hipbone the three joined bones that form one side of the skeleton from the upper thigh to the waist.
hypotenuse the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle; the longest side of a right triangle.
inning the unit of a baseball of softball game during which each side has a turn at bat.
inside the inner part or side. [2/7 definitions]
ladder a pair of side pieces joined with horizontal bars called rungs, used for climbing.
lateral about, from, or toward a side or sides; sideways. [1/2 definitions]
lean-to a shelter that has one side that slopes up and serves as both a wall and a roof. The sloping side is supported by something like logs or posts. A lean-to is often open on the other ends or sides.
lee the side that faces away from the wind. [2 definitions]
left1 of, located on, or pertaining to the side of the human body where the heart is located or to the side of any other thing in the same position with respect to its other side; opposite of right. [2 definitions]
lengthwise in the direction of the longer or longest side.
list2 a leaning to one side, as of a boat or ship; tilt. [2 definitions]
loin the part of the body on either side of the spine between the ribs and the hip. [1/2 definitions]
lopsided having one side that is larger or heavier than the other; uneven.
macaroni and cheese a popular lunch or dinner dish made with noodles combined with a cheese sauce. The noodles are called macaroni, and they have the shape of short, curved tubes. Macaroni and cheese is served hot, either as an entree or a side dish.
maternal related on the mother's side of the family. [1/2 definitions]