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Hera the goddess of marriage in Greek mythology. Hera was the wife and sister of Zeus, ruler of the gods. In Roman mythology, Hera is called Juno.
Hercules a hero in Greek and Roman mythology. Hercules was half man and half god and known for his amazing strength.
Hermes the messenger of the gods, in Greek mythology. Hermes was also the god of travelers, of trade, of theft, and of skill in speaking. He is often shown with wings on his hat and shoes. In Roman mythology, Hermes is called Mercury.
hundred the word for the Arabic numeral 100 and by the Roman numeral C. [1/4 definitions]
Juno the goddess of marriage in Roman mythology. Juno was the wife and sister of Jupiter. In Greek mythology, Juno is called Hera.
Jupiter the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology. Jupiter controlled the weather and protected the government and its laws. In Greek mythology, Jupiter is called Zeus. [1/2 definitions]
Mars the god of war in Roman mythology. In Greek mythology, Mars is called Ares. [1/2 definitions]
Mass a religious ceremony in the Roman Catholic and certain other churches. At a Mass, people seek communion with God.
mercury (capitalized) the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology. In Greek mythology, Mercury is called Hermes. [1/3 definitions]
Minerva the goddess of wisdom and art in Roman myth. In Greek myth, Minerva is called Athena.
Neptune the god of the sea in Roman mythology. Neptune had control of the tides. In Greek mythology, Neptune is called Poseidon. [1/2 definitions]
nine the word for the Arabic numeral 9 and by the Roman numeral IX. [1/3 definitions]
nineteen the word for the Arabic numeral 19 and by the Roman numeral XIX. [1/3 definitions]
nymph one of the goddesses in Greek or Roman mythology who live in rivers, mountains, or trees. [1/2 definitions]
one the word for the Arabic numeral 1 and by the Roman numeral I. [1/8 definitions]
pope (often capitalized) the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Poseidon the god of the sea in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Poseidon is called Neptune.
Roman (usually lower case) roman printing type. [1/4 definitions]
Roman numeral a letter used as a number in the ancient Roman number system. The letter I equals 1, V equals 5, X equals 10, L equals 50, C equals 100, D equals 500, and M equals 1,000. In this system, a letter followed by one of equal or lesser value means the two are added; seven is VII, or 5+1+1. A letter followed by one of greater value means that the first is subtracted from the second; four hundred is CD, or 500-100.
Rome the capital city of the Roman Empire. [1/2 definitions]
saint one who has died and been formally recognized by the Roman Catholic or other Christian church as having lived a holy life or as having died in the service of God. A saint holds a special place of honor within the Church. (abbr.: St. or Ste.) [1/3 definitions]