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Children's Dictionary
humus a material that is made up of partly decayed leaves and plants. Humus adds nutrients to soil and helps it hold water.
iris a plant that has leaves shaped like swords and large, showy flowers. [1/2 definitions]
ivy a woody vine that has shiny evergreen leaves, and black berries, and that often climbs walls or buildings. [1/2 definitions]
Japanese beetle a shiny green and brown insect that came to the United States from Asia. It eats the leaves, fruits, flowers, and roots of plants and can cause a lot of damage.
karaoke a kind of music entertainment system that plays the music of popular songs, but leaves out the vocals. This allows a person to sing along with the music. Karaoke was invented in Japan.
laurel an evergreen tree or shrub that has large, shiny leaves and yellow flowers. [2/3 definitions]
lavender the dried flowers, leaves, and stems of this plant that are used for their scent. [1/3 definitions]
leaf to bear or sprout leaves. [1/5 definitions]
leek a plant related to the onion. It has wide, green leaves and a long white bulb.
lemon the tree on which this fruit grows. It has thorns and evergreen leaves. [1/3 definitions]
lettuce a plant with large, crisp leaves that can be eaten. [2 definitions]
locust a North American tree in the legume family that has leaves with many parts and white flowers that hang in clusters. [1/3 definitions]
magnolia a tree or shrub with large pink, white, or purple flowers. In many species blooms appear before the leaves. [1/2 definitions]
maple a tree with notched leaves and hard wood, grown for its beauty, wood, or sweet sap. [1/2 definitions]
mint1 a plant with a strong, pleasant smell whose leaves are used as a flavoring. Peppermint and spearmint are members of the mint family. [1/2 definitions]
mulberry any of several shade trees that have broad leaves and berrylike fruits. [1/3 definitions]
myrtle a kind of shrub that has evergreen leaves and bears pink or white flowers and fragrant dark blue berries. Myrtle is found in the Mediterranean region and western Asia. [2 definitions]
narcissus a kind of plant that has yellow or white flowers and long, thin leaves. The narcissus grows from a bulb planted in the soil. Its flowers are shaped like a tube. [1/3 definitions]
nasturtium a kind of garden plant that grows close to the ground and has bright yellow, orange, or red flowers. Nasturtium leaves and flowers can be eaten.
nettle a plant whose leaves and stems are covered with hairs that sting the skin when touched.
overgrow to grow over with a thick cover of leaves.